

Michele’s most recent media appearance on CBS Los Angeles where she shares tips for sticking to your New Year’s resolutions


Dr. Michele D'Amico, CPC, CELC is a performance coach who helps people move forward in their careers. She sat down with KCAL9's Amy Johnson on Sunday to shar...

CBS Los Angeles Morning Show

Michele joined KCAL9’s Amy Johnson to share tips on conflict resolution in the workplace.

Business News Daily

Michele is quoted in an article about dealing with “bad bosses”.


The RiseSmart Blog featured an article written by Michele about the holiday blues at work.

Elevate NetworkElevate Network published Michele's article about Resilience.

Elevate Network

Elevate Network published Michele's article about Resilience.

Inc. MagazineInc Magazine interviewed Michele in an article about Stress

Inc. Magazine

Inc Magazine interviewed Michele in an article about Stress

Professional coach Michele D'Amico shows you how to deal with a bad boss.

CBS Los Angeles Morning Show

Michele joined KCAL9’s Amy Johnson to share strategies on how to deal with a “bad boss”.


The RiseSmart Blog featured an article written by Michele about transitioning careers.

The Lively Blog quoted Michele in “How to Finally Start That Side Hustle You’ve Been Thinking About”.

LinkedInMichele published this article on her LinkedIn page about ‘Building A Resilient Team’


Michele published this article on her LinkedIn page about ‘Building A Resilient Team’

Dr. Michele D'Amico appeared on KCAL9 News on Sunday morning with tips on how to land your dream job. For more information, visit

CBS Los Angeles Morning Show

Michele joined KCAL9’s Amy Johnson to discuss best practices for a successful job search.

Mel Magazine

MEL Magazine quoted Michele in an article about motivation.

National Coach Academy

Michele was interviewed by Brandon from Life Coach Path on the National Coach Academy site.

Pazanga Health Communications interviewed Michele about increasing resilience in their “Meet the Experts” series.

Pazanga Health Communications interviewed Michele about increasing resilience in their “Meet the Experts” series.